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  |  Tuesday, October 8, 2024 5:36:37 AM

Android POP3 Account Setup


Android Home Page Android Home Page

To get to the Android home page, press the keyboard home button. (The button with the house icon.)


Android Launcher Icon Android Launcher Icon

To bring up the applications page, tap the Launcher Icon. (The 4 X 4 dots on a square at the bottom of your phone screen.)


Android POP3 Email Application Android POP3 Email Application

Tap the Email icon. Alternatively, use the arrow keys to highlight the Email icon and click the select button.


Android POP3 Email Setup Android POP3 Email Setup
  1. Enter your complete email address.
  2. Enter your password.
  3. Tap the Next icon.


Android POP3 Email Selection Android POP3 Email Selection

Tap the POP3 icon.


Android POP3 Incoming Server Settings Android POP3 Incoming Server Settings
  1. Enter your complete email address as the username.
  2. Enter your password.
  3. Set the POP3 Server to
  4. Ensure Port is 110
  5. Ensure Security Type is None
  6. Ensure Delete email from server is Never
  7. Tap the Next icon


Android Outgoing Server Settings Android Outgoing Server Settings
  1. For SMTP Server, enter
  2. Ensure Port is 587
  3. Ensure Security type is None
  4. Ensure Require sign-in is checked.
  5. For Username, enter your complete email address
  6. For Password, enter your email password
  7. Tap the Next icon


Android POP3 Account Options Android POP3 Account Options

When you send email from your Android, if you want to use this account as the default account to send email, ensure the "Send email from this account by default." is checked. If it is not checked, Tap "Send email from this account by default."

If required, adjust the email arrival notification.

Tap the Next icon.


Android POP3 Email Identity Android POP3 Email Identity

Identify this email account by entering your complete email address in the "Give this account a name (optional)" field.

In the "Your name (displayed on outgoing messages)" field, enter your name or your email address as you want it to appear in the From field of the message that the recipient opens.

Tap the Done icon.


Android Inbox Android Inbox

When you successfully complete the POP3 setup, the application displays the inbox. Any messages you have collected will be listed in the inbox.