IP Address Ownership Mathbox IP address space is held by Mathbox. Association or assignment of an IP address with a connection, domain name, or subdomain does not imply or infer any right of ownership.
IP Address References Never refer to an internet resource by an IP address, especially within URLs or web site code, like ASP, PHP, and SQL statements. Always use the fully qualifed domain name of the resource.
IP Address Assignment The assignment of Mathbox IP address space to customers is subject to block size and usage guidelines issued by ARIN (American Registry for Internet Numbers). See http://www.arin.net.
IP Address Permanency To manage Mathbox IP space, Mathbox reserves the right to change the IP address associated with a connection, domain, or subdomain. Mathbox attempts to provide sufficient notice where and when it is possible to do so. Ensure that your Mathbox account always has current and valid contact information, including postal address, phone number, and email address.